Heart Halifax

By Alan Comeau Join Me

This year I'm raising donations for the QEII Foundation. I've chose QEII because it directly supports health care initiatives for Atlantic Canadians in my local community. QEII has made a significant impact in the lives of my family, friends and other fellow Canadians/Haligonians. It only makes sense for me to give back to QEII as they have supported me and my family over the years at the Cardiovascular Clinic.

This year I would like to dedicate my fundraising efforts to those who have battled... and for those who are battling against heart disease.

I promised last year that I would continue on with another fundraiser in 2024. This is me holding myself accountable for my word.

Thank you so much for your support!

My Updates

Deniz Gulerman #1

Saturday 20th Jul
Deniz was the first person to donate apart from myself. Thank you so much Deniz for your acts of kindness. For this year and last year <3. Your a rockstar!


Thursday 18th Jul

Heart Halifax shirt

Thursday 18th Jul

Follow Heart Halifax Facebook

Wednesday 17th Jul


Thank you for your support


Alan Comeau



Thanks Jamie D for the support.


Jenny Koutroulakis



#3 // C.E



#2 Bryan


Jenny Livingston


Stacy Comeau

Great job Alan &lt;3


Alan Comeau


Nancy Edgar


Kim Mussa


Hannah Upton

Great job Alan!


Lorraine Doridam

What a great cause! Good for you, Alan! Every little bit helps, right? :)


Pamela Melanson


Steve Rowan


Douglas MacNeil


Roddy & Brenda

So proud of you Alan


Karen Comeau





You're doing awesome Do!


Saif M


Satinder Singh

Appreciate your work. Keep going on Alan👍


Carol & Pat Madden


Cassandra & Mia

We're still cheering you on!




Deniz Gulerman


Alan Comeau

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