In memory of Bruce Keevill
If you were lucky enough to know Bruce, you know that he cared deeply for everyone who crossed his path. Kindness, generosity and hospitality were inherent in him, and these strong qualities have led Bruce’s family to set up this fundraising page for those who are looking to make a donation in his memory.
Donations made on this page will support the QEII Patient Essentials Fund, providing immediate access to patient gift cards – supporting urgent, essential needs during their care journey through the QEII Health Sciences Centre in Halifax. This patient support includes gift cards for gas, groceries, hospital parking and personal care items for patients in need. Learn more about this fund at
All are welcome to a Celebration of Life on October 1 from 3 to 5 p.m. at Cheema Racing located at 1390 Cobequid Road in Waverley.
Thank you and cheers!
Thank you for your support

Lorraine Blacklock and Janice Foran

Byron Mersereau
With my deepest condolences and fond memories of Bruce. May your memories of such a special person add comfort.

Jean-Louis & Jennifer Batiot
Bruce's obituary reflected his life and personality so well. You lost a vibrant patriarch. We lost a very dear friend. He and Velma will always be missed.

Rob Power
Sincere condolences to Chris and family on the loss of your father, grandfather, uncle, and brother.

Graham & Sandra Keevill & Lisa Edgar
Sending love to our NS family. We will all miss (Uncle) Bruce in our lives.His smile and laughter were infectious. He had a heart of gold.

Jared Worth and Emmy Peck

Wayne & Sharon MacDougall

David & Keith Dexter, Ken Myers
Sorry to hear of your loss. Our thoughts are with you and your families.

Mariner Partners Inc.
Our deepest sympathies to the family. Sorry for your loss.

no response required

Chris Crowell

Colleen Lang

Peter and Carol Fardy
I always enjoyed spending time with Bruce. He was curious, interesting and was always in good cheer. He led a full, rich life worth celebrating in style.

Lynn Smith

Robert A

Thinking of you all at this difficult time.