My Why

You’re never ready for a cancer diagnosis, nor are your family and loved ones. Loretta, my kind and loving Mom passed away in 2018 from lung and brain cancer and I’m fundraising in her memory. She cared so much and loved helping others any way she could. Whether she realized it or not, she made a difference.
Cancer brings sadness, but when you look a little harder there are stories of survival and resilience aplenty as well. I've had a few brushes with cancer myself in the form of stomach, breast and appendix cancer. When it's summed up in one sentence it doesn't seem like much does it? Rest assured there are buckets of pain, tears, stress and frustration hiding behind those words. But something stronger and more powerful is hidden there as well... GRATITUDE, for the love and support of those I love and those who love me. Gratitude for my aggressive screening schedule and the excellent care I received at the hands of the QEII care team. And so much gratitude for the way I was raised. As my sister Glenda would say, "Mama never raised a quitter!"
I'm participating in this fundraiser in memory of Mom but also to honor those who've struggled or are currently struggling with cancer, and for their families. I know from experience that one small gesture can have a far-reaching and profound effect on someone we may not even know. And couldn't we all use a bit more of that in our world today?
A new cancer tracer is changing lives around the world and I'm asking for your support to help bring gallium-68 DOTATATE home to the QEII Health Sciences Center in Halifax. Your donation will help QEII teams discover the undetectable and connect patients to a life-saving scan.
Gallium-68 DOTATATE, whose scans have become the best-in-class method for diagnosing neuroendocrine cancers, is a radioactive tracer that is injected into a patient before they undergo a PET-CT scan. Even the smallest traces of cancer, that otherwise wouldn't be detected, light up on screen.
By reaching the $200,000 QEII fundraising goal by March 31, their teams and patients will have access to this world's best cancer detection in spring 2021.
Your support will help make it possible.
My Updates

Rainbows & Roses
Sunday 14th Mar
When you’re the youngest of ten children, you hold tight to those things you share in common with your mom. One of those things that Mom and I shared was a love of quilting. This final fundraiser is a special one because I’m raffling off a quilt that I’ve made to honor Mom and her spirit of giving. Ticket details are at the end of the post and I’ve called this the Rainbows & Roses Quilt.
When Mom turned 80, we pulled out all the stops and threw her a big old birthday bash, hall rented, decorations, DJ and dancing, all the bells and whistles. But before the dance party started, we organized a mini concert for her where friends and family got up and said a few words or sang a song. This is when all of us ten kids got up on stage and two by two we recited a verse of a beautiful poem written by my sister Maureen with memories contributed by my brothers and sisters. At the end of each verse, each sibling pair delivered two roses to Mom at her seat. With permission, this is…
A Rose For Mom
Where we’d be without you we don’t know
Dear Mom you came to every show
Saw every concert heard every song
It didn’t matter how short or long.
We thank you now with this rose
For coming to so many shows.
At night you’d read us many tales
About Euphonia floods and whales
You’d fall asleep before the end
We turned the pages for you then
What love for us our mother shows
We thank you Mom with this rose.
Our clothes and mitts and meals you made
With little or nothing, you weren’t afraid
Our uniforms and jeans you’d mend
In ringlets girls to school would send
We’re so proud and hope it shows
Dear mom to you another rose.
How many potatoes did you peel?
For how many rosaries did we kneel?
To learn from you how love is done
Each day each daughter and each son
We’re glad this mothering life you chose
And thank you more Mom with each rose.
You taught us how to laugh and sing
To see the good in everything
To dance and party and have fun
The lottery we surely won
With you as Mom, the sweetest rose
Our love for you just grows and grows
The significance of the rainbows comes from the day we laid Mom to rest. The family said our last goodbyes at the funeral home before heading to the church and as we came out of the funeral home doors, there before us was this beautiful rainbow. I couldn’t help but feel like she was giving us one last gift and with that in our hearts we all piled into our cars to make our way to the church. As we came upon Placentia bridge, can you believe not just one but a double rainbow!! There was no denying that she was still with us, and now every time I see a rainbow I think of Mom and her giving spirit.
If you’d like to support my fundraiser, there are only 300 tickets available and they're $5 each. To purchase send an etransfer to (in the notes section of your transfer, please include an email address or phone number so we can contact you if you’re the winner).
The Rainbows & Roses Quilt is 68” x 94”, has the bright colors of the rainbow and the backing is light blue plush blanket.
Epicure Eats
Tuesday 9th Mar

Hockey Stick Furniture Raffle
Friday 26th Feb
Thank you for your support

Michelle Murphy

lucie fournier

Rainbows & Roses Quilt Raffle

Lynda Manuel

Epicure Fundraiser

Hockey Stick Furniture Raffle - Final Deposit

Love u

Hockey Stick Furniture Raffle - Deposit #2

Barb Ruggles

J Clarke
Darlene, you are such a kind and giving community member! Thank you for making a difference and being a change-maker!!

Ward Fleet
Colours for a Cause :)


Wally Buckoski

She sure was the best Aunt ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Love this ❤️

Jennifer Collier

Laila & Moe Saikaley

Hockey Stick Furniture Raffle - Deposit #1

Paul McCabe
Wear Your Colours matched plus

Wear Your Colors for a Cause

Jeannie Miller

George and Teri Coleman

Theresa grace griffin

Elizabeth & Johnny

Joan Andrews
What a great plan Darlene. Good luck I hope you meet your goal. Hugs!

M & Kl Warren

Brad MacLeod

Brandon Benoit
Love it

Mike Brown

Nathalie Benoit & famille Patry

Kevin & Bene

Cheryle Engram

Matthew Kervin

Krista Roper


Bobby Houghton

Paul McCabe

Roger & Heather K.

Ward Fleet

Tracy Burgess
Wishing you great success in meeting your goal! Hugs!

Mark Pinsent

Joey Hanley

Pascale Couturier
C’est une belle cause. J’admire ta détermination. Bonne chance dans l’atteinte de ton objectif

Wanda Giles
Hi Neighbour, We wish you great success in this amazing Fundraiser. We know you will reach your goal. Awesome article.

Martin Benoit

Ron Lunn

Gary Irvine

Vaughn Casey

Todd Bouchie

Debbie and John Godwin
In memory of your mom, my sister and for yourself and others going through cancer treatments. 💕

Dwayne Watson
Hi Darlene Truly a worthwhile cause, good luck! Love Dwayne, Christa and Jayden

John & Jacqueline Pound
Challenge Accepted

Charles Lockyer

Olivia Pomroy

Shannon Fahie

Maureen Pomroy
Darlene - so proud of you for continuing mom’s legacy of giving and caring. Love you baby sister ❤️

William Pitcher
Best of luck with your campaign.

Martin Benoit
Valentines Day Challenge Accepted! Best Wife EVER!

Paul & Lesley Corbett

Shirley Collins
In memory of Mom

James Gendron
This horrible disease took my mother and today would have been her 74th bday.

Tom Stewart
Thank you for helping others.

Seven Collective Salon

Theresa de Zwaan

Jimmy Martel

Tish Pomroy
For my momma and my seesters! 🥰

For Benny, Darlene and Family. Xoxo. Chas

Evan Collins

Jonathan Ryer

Alan Lemberg

Michael Cote
